A New System Font
Tired of that old system Topaz font? How about adding some spice and readability to your system? Aberdeen fonts are fixed-size fonts that can be used as a replacement for the system's old default Topaz font.
Just a Reminder
Tired of forgetting important dates? Tired of using screen after screen and page after page to try and plan out your days? Need more time? This is a useful commodity program so you don't forget important dates. The good thing about Remind is that it contains all the information in one window, including what you need to do today, what you need to do within several days, and what you have to do for the rest of the year. So in one glance, you can see what you have to get done and plan it with the rest of your week, month, and year. The user interface is based on the input from lots of people for its exceptional clarity.
No More Unsuspecting Disk Crunches
QDisk provides you with the ability to monitor, from Workbench, the space usage of all AMIGA DOS disk volumes that are currently mounted. QDisk can also send you a notification using a standard requester or a recoverable alert when usage exceeds a limit set by you.
Your Last Boring Bootup
Have you removed all output in your 2.0+ startup and only see a blank screen during boot?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a picture instead? A picture that disappears when the Workbench screen opens? If so, PicBoot is certainly a program for you. What it will do is read any IFF file containing an ILBM picture—or a GIF file—and show that picture. As soon as the Workbench screen appears (or you press any mouse button), the picture will go away. Some of the other features include: random selection among any number of pictures, forcing a certain display mode for a picture (even if saved with another), and optional screen centering (horizontally). And much more!
Your Personal PhoneDirectory
Why keep all your names and addresses on old-fashioned paper when you have your Amiga around? Why dial your phone manually when your Amiga can do it for you? Personal Phonedirectory (PPD) was designed to do all these things and more: remember addresses and phone numbers for you, and also dial the numbers automatically. Its window can be hidden and shown again by selecting from the Workbench Tools menu.
Your First Multimedia Blackboard
EduShow is a multimedia display system for educational purposes or just plain getting your point across. Most multimedia programs take you from static screen to static screen. This program uses an old teaching technique in a new medium. You design your displays step by step in progressive diagrams. Think of it as drawing on a blackboard. You draw your first point, then you draw something on top of that to further your point. And you continue this process until you have your audience understanding and learning what you want them to know.
Easy UPS LookUps
If you operate any kind of business, or ever have to ship something UPS, you know what a hassle it is to constantly look up UPS Zones from Zip Codes. Imagine having your computer pop up the answers whenever you need them! Now you can.
Super Trashcan
This “super trashcan” deletes icons dropped into it, as opposed to the normal trashcan, which is simply a directory on the disk. Unlike similar programs, Trashmaster makes sure Workbench properly removes its icons—even if they are icons that Workbench made on the fly with the 'Show All Files' option.
Time IS Money
Have you ever wanted to know where you spend your time in a day? Want to keep track of time spent on client projects for billing? Or just want to know where your days go? Which projects are sucking up all your time? Now you have a program to answer these questions and more! TimeKeep is a time clock utility for keeping track of time spent on project development. Projects and modules can be defined, and a time clock interface is used to TimeIn and TimeOut on a selected module. TimeKeep will remember which module is currently in progress and will select it automatically when the program is re-started. So you can keep working, and TimeKeep will be keeping track.
Quick, Easy & Powerful
db is a small and fast database program. db was originally designed to keep a record of addresses and telephone numbers of friends and companies, but that has changed. The program is now designed to handle information of your choice. You can create your own data entry screens and databases for fast, easy input and output, and you've got your information. Just some of db’s features include: dynamic memory handling, number of records and fields only limited by free memory, GadTool-based (giving a standard look and feel), mouse and keyboard driven, user-definable fields and layout, multiple views of the same database, Commodore's Clipboard for flexible interaction with other programs, AppWindow—just drag and drop database icons on db to load. Online Menu Help—Press HELP key when selecting a menu item, font sensitive, ASL requesters for flexible loads and saves, localized, ARexx support, dial numbers using a modem, WB and Shell usage with Commodore's template parsing, fast and flexible find function using AmigaDOS patterns, filter function, fast and flexible sort function (multiple sort orders can be specified), 'Export View' and two standard ASCII export features, automatic ASCII import (tab-separated ASCII) and much more! Take a look.
Still Using That Archaic CD Player
If you have a CD-ROM drive, why not use your computer to control and play your CDs? How would you like a nice graphical user interface with all the bells, whistles, and buttons? The main functions are here: Eject, Stop, Play, Track, Unit. SCDPlayer is also a commodity with popup, exchange controls, tool types, and all the commodities' features. Why use that old box when you have an Amiga?
Taxi, Taxi!
Just kick in your thrusters and you're off to pick up your next customer. But is your insurance paid up? This is a version of the old Space Taxi game on the C64. You can have up to three players simultaneously. The third player can control their taxi via keyboard (Cursor and Left ALT for Fire) or by another joystick plugged into one of those 4-Player-Adapters. So kick in those thrusters, and get out there and compete for the customers and the dollars!
United Stellar Council Situation Brief #11144
Date: 2450, Jan 26 (EST)
Subject: First Contact
It has been two hundred and fifty years since humanity first breached the confines of the Terra solar system. We have expanded our sphere of influence over two hundred light years and colonized over 200 planets. Although we've encountered various life forms, none have been sentient. On 2449, December 25, the USC FG-S Newton, a science frigate, encountered a group of alien spacecraft while surveying planets in the Garada Sector. Cpt. Savage of the Newton, according to procedure implemented under USC Directive 1, which defines rules of engagement for First Contact with a sentient life form, made contact. The alien vessels responded with hostility. On December 30, 2449, the USC created the United Stellar Defense Fleet. Now you have the privilege of being the first to go out there and handle the situation!
This is a collection of wonderful borders that you can add to all your desktop publishing applications. They are in IFF format, so you can also use them in your drawings, paintings, and for video titling.
In each issue, you will find a new collection of clipart for all your desktop publishing and painting needs. These images are also in IFF format, so you can also use them for Desktop Video applications.
Virus Killers
In each issue, we always include the latest virus killers and detectors. As you know, the best protection is prevention. The included utilities can help you detect and destroy a virus on one of your disks before it has a chance to infiltrate your entire disk collection. Add these utilities to your collection, or update your collection with the latest versions and keep it safe. Prevention is always the best medicine.
Hot Soundtrack & Instrument (Deluxe Music & MED)
I've heard people claim that with new soundboards the IBM can play some really good music. Well, they just haven’t heard the Amiga yet. That's all there is to it. Crank up this tune, turn up your monitor volume, and invite all your PC friends over to have a listen. This will be sure to convince them. We have also included some of the instruments that were used to create the soundtrack. You can use these instruments with the new Deluxe Music Construction Set, MED, or other Soundtracker music programs.