Amiga Animation

Three-disk monthly disk magazine that featured animations, graphics, ray traces, music, hardware and software files, samples, tutorials and news.

Originally named A.X. Magazine and GRAf/x Magazine, Amiga Animation was a 3-disk monthly disk magazine that featured animations, graphics, ray traces, music, hardware and software files, samples, tutorials and Amiga-related news.

In its marketing materials, their selling points included: 

  • Information that manuals leave out
  • Tips from top, innovative Amiga experts
  • Reviews of software, hardware and the latest peripherals
  • Step-by-step instructions on the latest techniques
  • The latest utilities, graphics, entertainment and more ON DISK!

Amiga Animation issues cost $14.95 US and were first published in Beltsville, MD, by the Hahn-Wallace Publishing Group. They later changed their named to AmigaANIMATION and moved to Cape Coral, FL. 

They produced at least three separate monthly disk magazine titles, including AmigaAnimation, Amiga Games and Best of Amiga. 


If you have any volumes or issues you'd like to contribute to this archive to make it even more complete, please contact us

Collection Disks

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 9
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 9
Disk Magazine

Deluxe Paint IV, Fighter Duel, Food Processor, Home Manager, Amiga Util

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 8
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 8
Disk Magazine

Directory Opus, Projectile Motion, Nightmare, IFF to Pieces, XOPER, Imagine, Globe Animation

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 7
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 7
Disk Magazine

Spectracolor Demo, Musical Soundtracks, Home Budget, Phone Secretary, Diet Aid

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 6
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 6
Disk Magazine

Industry Animation, Robotics Animation, Mega Workbench, Space The Soundtrack, No Click, Sea Amiga Monkeys, Undelete, Starblank, Key Macro, Menu Runner, Resume Maker

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 5
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 5
Disk Magazine

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 5

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 4
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 4
Disk Magazine

Desktop Video, Creating Clouds, Hyberbook, DOS error, Labelmaker, Tell Me, MED, Mandelbrot Explorer Set, Pandora

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 2
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 2
Disk Magazine

Features, Graf/x, Productivity & Utilities, Amiga Entertainment, Departments

Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 1
Amiga Animation Volume 4 Issue 1
Disk Magazine

Graphics, Music, Productivity & Hardware, Entertainment, Utilities, Columns