DevWare WBDisk 089 Education

FishTank, The Quiz Game, The Math Tutor


"FishTank" is a program that simulates an aquarium. Written entirely in object-oriented JForth (version 2.0), the program aims to provide a visually pleasing and relatively accurate simulation of tropical fish in a home aquarium. While the behavior of real tropical fish is more complex than that of the simulated fish, their survival characteristics are similar. "FishTank" could be used as a humane way for people to test various combinations of fish and water conditions before setting up a real aquarium. This program makes extensive use of the Amiga's animation system, using a double-buffered HAM-mode screen. The fish are all represented as "AnimObs," which work reliably and consistently.

The Math Tutor
By Thomas W. Burker Sr.
TomTron Software, 1990 – All rights reserved

There is an increasing demand for educational software, especially for younger children. "The Math Tutor" was created to help kids develop math skills in a fun way. The program includes sound effects to make learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division more engaging. The interface is simple and easy for children to navigate.

The Quiz Game
By Dale Holt, October 1989

"The Quiz Game" allows 1 to 10 players to compete by answering questions, with the highest scorer winning. Questions are drawn from a file, and several quiz files are included on this disk. Users can also create custom quiz files by naming them with the suffix "quiz" for the program to recognize them. To create a quiz file, begin with a comment line, then add each question followed by its answer, with a blank line between items. Questions can span one to three lines, while answers must be a single line with fewer than 60 characters. Each file can contain up to 200 question-answer pairs.

To preview quiz files, double-clicking them will display all questions and answers (note: this will reveal the answers). The computer can also read questions aloud if "speech on" is selected from the mouse menu. Have fun!