The Commodore 64 Door

64Door; Amiga terminal program that has full PETSCII support

AKA “64Door” this fantastic terminal program is perfect for an Amiga to connect to a BBS hosted by either a Commodore 64 or C128. 64Door greatly improves this experience as it has full PETSCII support. More Info 

– AmigaLove


The Commodore 64 Door
Release Date: January 23, 1993

This software allows you to call Commodore 64 BBS systems in the special C64-specific terminal mode, commonly referred to as "C/G mode." The entire C64 character sets are included, along with all features of the standard C/G terminal emulation, with the added feature of 80 columns, which is unavailable on most C64 terminal packages. Due to the fact that the keyboards of the C64 and the Amiga are not identical, some of the keys have to be substituted. This is explained in detail in the Keys section of this document.


Baud Rate - Choose between 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600. The default is 2400.

Columns - 40 or 80 (40 is the standard for the C64, but some prefer 80 columns). The default is 80.

Duplex -

  • Full duplex means no local echo (for calling BBSes). This is the default.
  • Half duplex means all characters entered from the keyboard are echoed.


  • Both Amiga keys act as the C= (Commodore) key on the C64 keyboard.
  • The F9 key acts as the home key (same as C= + S).
  • The F10 key acts as the Clr key.
  • The ESC key acts as the Run/Stop key.
  • The \ (Backslash) key acts as the pound key on the C64 keyboard.
    Note: The C64 pound character and the standard \ character have the same ASCII code.
  • The ^ key (Shift-6) acts as the C64's up arrow character.
  • Holding Shift and Amiga toggles cases, just like Shift and Commodore on the C64 keyboard.
  • Both the Backspace and Del keys act as the C64's Inst/Del key.
    • Insert mode works too.
  • All the color keys and Reverse on/off codes are available.
    • CTRL-1 to CTRL-8 and Amiga-1 to Amiga-8 are colors; CTRL-9 is reverse on, CTRL-0 is reverse off.
  • The HELP key enters the option menu.
  • The space bar and the Enter key can be used to abort the QPD logo.

You are free to distribute this software, but please include this doc file with the archive when you upload it to BBSes.

This software was developed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
By Clay Hellman
QP - Quality Public Domain