Hi everyone
Perhaps many of you have already know this news but I would like to officially inform you that Miguel Fides (the creator of the A1100 board) together with the collaboration of Edu Arana has launched a new accelerator for Amiga A1200 called Tsunami.
Our main idea was to make a low cost accelerator with a performance similar to what was once a standard, the famous blizzard 1230. (about 199€)
- 68EC030 at 42MHZ.
- 64MB Fast RAM.
- 68882 FPU footprint ready
- External expansion port for future upgrades
- Clockport port (RTC only)
A first batch has already been launched via preorder with surprising success and I wanted to create this thread to announce when a second batch will be made.
Anyway, if someone is really interested and wants to be personally notified by email, send an email showing interest to tsunami@arananet.net
More info about the project:
Versus video :
If anyone has any questions, you can ask them here as I am part of the tsunami team.