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Posted Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:45 pm

personally, i would love to play with a Rejuvenator since I’ve never personally used one 🙂

but more amiga 1000 projects the better 🙂

intric8 wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:33 pm
I have a feeling this would not play nice with my Rejuvenator, but I could be totally wrong. It happens all of the time. ;)

Speaking just for me, since I have neither a TF or Vampire, can you explain a little bit more about the "FPGA socket to use an FPGA as a CPU emulation"? That sounds very interesting. You might should consider making this board its own thread whenever your boards arrive. (Or, I think I can help with that now if you like.)

I think it would also be quite cool - since I'm just dreaming here - if the expansion could be easily disabled via hardware switch in case one wanted to load a game via floppy that has to be booted.

As an A1K fan that uses his expansion port today, my only concern would be if I could continue to use my Microbotics 2MB RAM that I also use for its SCSI port. That's how I boot via "hdd." I wonder if I could stick this board out of the Microbotics side port? Oh man that would look nuts, but it would be an interesting experiment for sure.

Not sure about you guys, but the expansion ports on some of my A1Ks can be a bit finicky at times if the connection isn't spot on. Sometimes how an expansion "hangs" on the outside can have a dramatic effect on it working, even if the angle change is a fraction of a millimeter.

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Posted Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:09 am

nospam2000 wrote:
Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:30 pm
Huxley wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:27 pm
would it be possible for the A1000 edition of this upgrade to allow for alternate keyboards to be used? I'm having a terrible time finding an A1000-style keyboard for any price...
There are products for USB to Amiga keyboard adapters, e.g. "Sum A234/CD32". Unfortunately the A1000 has a different connector, but I think the electronics are the same.

I was asked to build such an adapter as well, but that is another project.

Some time ago saw an Amiga 1000/ps2 keyboard adapter on ebay...try to search!

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Gold Coast, Australia

Posted Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:00 pm

Great project but seems to be for NTSC machine ?
Any idea how to work this out when we have a PAL machine (without piggyback board...).
My apologies if it is in the thread, I haven't read all the pages (yet!)

*** Edit: okay, I found this on the other thread so I guess it will do for now...
EzdineG wrote: I've been meaning to update the original post with more information regarding PAL units.:

NTSC / PAL motherboards with daughterboard:
U6J - Bend pin 17 out or cut on daughterboard
U4K - Connect pin 1 & 20 with 4.7kOhm resistor
U6L - Connect Pin 13 to Kickstart board J1

PAL motherboards with no daughterboard:
U6N - Bend pin 17 out or cut on daughterboard
U3J - Connect pin 1 & 20 with 4.7kOhm resistor
U4S - Connect pin 13 to Kickstart board J1

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Gold Coast, Australia

Posted Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:25 pm

From everyone's experience, what are the best socket and pins to be used for the 68000 or for the ROM ?
Machined pin ? Standard ? Any Mouser references to be shared ?
Thanks a lot.

Edit: also looking at the case code of the 10k resistors... 1206 or 0805 ?

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Posted Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:22 pm

Seb132 wrote:
Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:25 pm
From everyone's experience, what are the best socket and pins to be used for the 68000 or for the ROM ?
Machined pin ? Standard ? Any Mouser references to be shared ?
Thanks a lot.

Edit: also looking at the case code of the 10k resistors... 1206 or 0805 ?
1206 is the resistor footprint. For the sockets, I use double wipe DIP sockets for the ROMs. Since I haven't been able to find a DIP for the 68000, I used machined sockets. Pins...machined pins for sure. Trying to use anything else, like square pin headers and such, will mess up the socket on the motherboard.

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Gold Coast, Australia

Posted Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:52 am

@obitus1990: thanks a lot!
Also, Am I correct to assume that the DIP for the ROMs are 40 pins and not 42 like on the Amiga ? I know on the Amiga the ROMs are shifted and one pair of holes is empty on the board... just confirming.

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Posted Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:22 am

As far as I can remember, they are 40 pin. You can always upload the gerbers to one of the fabrication houses and use their gerber viewer to confirm it.

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Posted Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:36 am

From the looks of it something like this doesn't appear to work if you have a Spirit Tech board. It might be a tight fit but am left wondering if I wasn't better off just getting a Pistorm to replace both. Thoughts?

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Posted Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:31 pm

I have one of these in my Amiga 1000. Nice!
It took me a while to find who built it and if there were any hot keys to toggle ROMs. :(

I am still very happy with it.
1.3 ROM 3.1 ROMs 2.jpg

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Posted Thu Sep 15, 2022 6:38 pm

If anyone is making these, I could use at least one and maybe 2 or 3!!

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