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Posted Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:15 pm

I recently bought an Amiga 1000 that also came with a C64 in the uncommon aftermarket case from South Australia. It cleaned up nice, apart from the UV yellowed keycaps. It's an NTSC board and I'm not sure if it's working. I tossed the 'brick of death' power supply that came with it and took it to my friends house so we could use his power supply and 1702 monitor. We got a black and white scrolling screen and stopped testing at that point. There's a good chance we had it hooked up incorrectly, so we'll be trying it again.

Are these cases considered 'rare' or are they just 'uncommon'?
Here it is all cleaned up, although no retrobright was done.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:40 pm

I'm not sure if they are "rare" or not, and I'm not personally a huge fan of the look. That said, I really like the fact they came with holes from the factory for (e.g.) a JiffyDOS switch and a reset button on the back. At least I remember reading that somewhere at some point. That's pretty forward-thinking for back in the day.

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Posted Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:31 am

I'd say they are uncommon in the US. It's kinda ugly, but, it's a part of C= history. I always liked the breadbin design best. If it has an Australian board in it, it's more likely PAL, hence the black and white and scrolling video. Maybe try it with an SVIDEO to HDMI converter that also has NTSC to PAL (and vice versa) switching and see what you get.

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Brisbane, Australia

Posted Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:54 pm

"Uncommon aftermarket case"

I'll say. Never seen (nor heard mention of one) before in all of my Australian life. Setting aside my fandom for the breadbin format... it's not.. it's not pretty, is it?

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Tue Feb 11, 2025 5:08 pm

LineOf7s wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:54 pm
"Uncommon aftermarket case"

I'll say. Never seen (nor heard mention of one) before in all of my Australian life. Setting aside my fandom for the breadbin format... it's not.. it's not pretty, is it?
That is interesting. I guess I would have figured they would be more popular where they were made. Were these made primarily for the US market? I seen them a lot back in the day. Not rare but between common and uncommon. I know there were ads for them in the mags and I do know they were sold in some retail stores.

I remember the same feeling as @intric8, I was not a fan. That said the C64C was very popular and I know at the time many people wanted that look for their "old" original 64.

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Posted Tue Mar 11, 2025 5:26 am

The only place I've ever seen one of these was on a tour of Fremantle Prison a few years ago - there's a picture on a wall of, I guess, a prisoner using one in the 1980's. Naturally, I took a picture of the picture:

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