We've seen the new Games Library launch with alphabetical filtering, spots for newly added games and spots for trending games (games that are getting a bit more views that others). We've also launched "Likes" on posts and comments. And we've now got a more dedicated Search experience - search the forum or games, which will continue to be improved over time.
As a result, very little new content has been created in the past week. Sorry about that. But don't worry - new games are in the pipeline. In the next two weeks we will be adding:
- Sim City
- Conquests of Camelot
- Syndicate
- Wings
- Indiana Jones/Atlantis
And, some new deeper forum topics - AmigaLove style - are in the works as well from a conceptual standpoint.
Also, plans are already in the works for more site upgrades for later this Spring. A sneak peek into the new site features include:
- The ability to "Subscribe" to a Games page to be notified if it has received new comments (probably via Email notification at this time - an enhanced notification system would be REALLY nice... maybe some day, we'll see.) This will be more important for Game page authors, but I'll likely open it up to everyone on an opt-in basis. The problem some folks have now is they get to the site and immediately know the new forum posts. But they have very little clue what activity has occurred in the Games section. Could also create a user option to send out email notification to users who subscribe any time a new game is added (this would have to be a manual push since games are added in stages).
- Redesign of User Profiles
- Add Link to view a user's comments
- User "karma": comment likes, post likes
- Create “Report" mechanism for naughty comments, spammers, etc.
- Create an actual legit Home Page.
- Right now the homepage is the landing page for the forum. I’m thinking of making a home page with recent posts, recent games, site intro, Games Search, and other fun stuff (random game - maybe, community poll, member spotlight, etc.). The Forum would become a site section, just like games - not the entry door. Also I want to include cool site statistics overall somewhere - total games, posts, comments, users, etc. This would also help mobile users who never use the “menu” button to learn there is a games section currently.
- New Games Library filter to “Browse All" games without the need to click on each letter in the alphabet. A more casual browsing experience is what we're after.
If you have any ideas or requests, let me know. This is going to be the final major feature push for a while, other than normal little upgrades here and there. After this final phase of site upgrades, ideally we can just focus on what's important - the content and the discussions.