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Posted Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:55 am

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would do an intro as I have been lurking for some time.

Got my beloved Amiga 500+ back in 1991, love it to bits , then an A1200.. and then A4000 around 2002ish.. I sold it all to my mate Kirk, which I severely regret on an almost daily basis!!

So I am back now re collecting everything I had, and the rest of the Amigas' I can lay my hands on. <3

Nice to meet you all!


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Posted Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:33 pm

Hello! Welcome.

Don't you still stay in touch with your friend who has the A4000 :P ?

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Posted Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:58 pm

Welcome to the forum! I too am getting back into Amiga, and re-collecting the equipment I had as a teenager.


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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:43 pm

Welcome, nadoom - glad to have you here.

You know us. Let's see some pics of your Amigas when you get the chance!

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Twickenham , U.K.

Posted Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:27 pm

Welcome, good to meet you. I would say your friend should do the honorable thing and return everything, as he knows he got all this wonderful equipment when you were at a vunerable state in your life....;)

Anyone knows that Amiga is for life...:)

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Posted Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:07 pm

"You can have my Amigas when you pull them from my cold, dead hands!" :D I stored mine and am glad I did. I hope you are able to re-acquire the ones that you want! I never got into the AGA machines myself (OCS/ECS/RTG).

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