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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:26 pm

I noted the address change, he posted it on Particles, but I could have gotten a letter wrong, I imagine. Though, when it is busy, does it tell you that or does it just say no carrier? I was usually calling during prime hours, so I couldn't figure out if I got the address wrong, if the board was down entirely, or if it was just busy. I'll print it out though, now that you've posted it, that's always a problem with info exchanged over BBS', easy to screw it up when you write it down.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:34 pm

That's a really good question. Particles will tell you when the BBS is busy. I don't know about Centronian, though. That being said, it's traffic is so much lower, if you got it when it was busy you better go buy a lottery ticket! :D

By the way...
There's a sorta-new Amiga-hosted BBS based out of San Francisco called Amiga City.

The address is:

Code: Select all
The sysop made it sound like it was more like a BBS trading post where items could be listed and bought and whatnot. But I don't think that's all it is, though. I'm away from all of my classic machines on holiday, but I've seen a post about it using A-Talk III. Pretty cool!

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:40 pm

Oh God those blues! Yuck! That's not yours, is it? haha. I want to say I once tried an Amiga City, and was asked a thousand and one questions while signing up, info that's not necessary for a BBS, and either I hung up, or I signed up, took a look around, and decided forget it. - Could be utterly wrong, though, and I'll print up that address as well and take a look. I've long been looking for an actual Amiga board. I've heard the true Amiga boards even had use for different terminal emulators, not ANSI, but one of those other weird ones A-Talk III offers, which would be nice to try out.

Nah, I know that's not your pic, because A-Talk is running in PAL mode there!

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:42 pm

Heh - nope, that's not mine. The guy who shot that screen downloaded A-Talk III from AmigaLove, though, and he used your Guide above to get his machine online to hit that BBS. All of which is really very cool!

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:44 pm

Got a link to his posts? Please don't be english arrogance board...

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:58 pm

Dude. It was a brief Reddit post - a place you don't like. But here ya go.

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:30 pm

Welp; I did ask for it. haha. Though that particular post didn't feature the normal things I dislike about that place. I mention, in my latest video (unlisted at the moment) at one point something somebody said on Dragon's Lair there. Something about perhaps I should try writing a script... Been making videos for 4 years and you don't think I've figured out what I like from myself? "Using scripts, and reading off a teleprompter is everything that is wrong with YouTube today" XD - Don't hold your breath on a script in the videos... But I do have written articles for 99% of all videos for the last several years, conveniently listed in the description, comments, and noted via a picture inside of the one minute mark of every video as well at the end. Perhaps I do know how to write, and choose to utilize that for things people read, not watch, while maintaining videos that are authentic and passionate, something many much much bigger channels lack.

Tehehe... Nah, I love that site! Eh. Nah, when I know something has been put there, while I will never post something there myself, I actually do appreciate the individuals who are linking them, regardless of what the people say behind your back. And I'll read those, perhaps fuming, but I read it. Still waiting for the time one of them says something negative about me I don't actually view as a positive, though. I've got no problem logging the bad and deciding if I should actually bother caring about it, or log it against the types of people on the particular site. My experience with Reddit is a silent but large chunk treat my stuff nice, upvoting or whatever, not commenting. There's a bunch of jerks who don't have a clue about what my purpose or goals are, pointing out things like my CRT setup, that I should get a capture card... 4 years, I have a capture card, I won't use for these machines. It bothers me they don't contemplate that maybe he's the way he is for a reason, but I easily brush it aside. Still, knowing I'm likely to encounter those comments, does not make me jump up for joy when I'm looking it up. Still a thousand times better than EAB, people who think they know everything, don't, and launch the most vicious attacks having not watched a second of your video... Note; I recently noticed an EAB thread regarding wi-fi modems I believe, in which someone posted my guide for those that wanted to see if it all worked first. And someone, who once said a lot of bad stuff about me in another situation, surely not knowing who actually wrote what he was reading, thanked the person for that link, for it helped him out a lot.

At least Reddit has some nice comments. It's just not a place I'll ever promote myself on (I don't really promote myself, period), as I don't agree with the behind your back, good or bad nature of that place. Talk there, but then go to the actual video, like it, subscribe, comment there... But many of these types of places like EAB or Reddit, despite how much YouTube content they link, they're quite anti youtube for themselves, and I don't appreciate it. Now Twitter? I was wrong about Twitter. It's nice. I'm there, I overwhelmingly post things the Twitter people might appreciate, I get and like that social networking site. When I have a new video or written article, I post that there a few times, hopefully some people take a look, my evidence is they actually do, I've gotten subscriptions from there, comments on my actual videos, and even made some friends. Twitter; I was wrong about you. Reddit? You've still got a long way to go... - But whatever thoughts I have a couple comments, I actually appreciate whoever the dude is that occasionally links my stuff there, though I wish he'd comment on my videos once so I could both thank and curse him. :)

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Posted Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:30 am

I know only too well that posters on Reddit can be downright nasty for no real good reason. Personally I think the whole concept of upvoting/downvoting and karma is an absolute failure.

I tried connecting to Amigacity, it kept dumping me. Odd as I've never had an issue connecting to Synchronet BBS's in the past.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:50 am

Also, Afterlife BBS (via Alwyz), August 2019:
For the time being I am ceasing all C64 related activities. Afterlife BBS is down. Appreciate all the great friendships I’ve made and contributions I’ve been able to give to the C64 BBS Community over the past several years. I will be back at some point. Thanks for all your support.

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Posted Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:57 am

<gettinggeekedout>OMG OMG OMG</gettinggeekedout>
This thread is reminding me of all the amazing fun I had with my Amigas! One of my machines was a BBS with 8 lines (two of which were ISDN at the time). I spent a lot of time tweaking the modems and BBS (AmiEx). One of the things my board was known for was it's online capacity. If you didn't mind waiting 10 seconds or so (for the obscure/dated stuff) 8GB of data was available at all times on DAT tape (2x Sony SDT - 5000s).
Thanks to this thread I am just itching to pull out my modems and get some oldschool BBSing online :D Damnit.. Now I have that bug again!
Apologies for the slight off topic twist to this thread... feeling a bit like a kid in a candy store again...

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