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Posted Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:13 am

Euh... What ??
Already the 31 december ? And I haven't post anything here for 3 monthes...

Ok, I don't have a lot of time to play with the Amiga the 3 or 4 last monthes except a bit in december.
So I've just published a new demo "Happy New Year 2022" that can be downloaded for example in the demozoo website
This demo gathers some examples of code that I publish sometimes on a github repository

So there are some snippets, some little "scenes", less complex than the one I spoke in this thread but it can intereset some people. The source are commented and the used version of Amos is linked in the home of the repo.

I will continue in 2022 to post some things in this repo and of course I will continue to code the demo presented here.

Happy New Year 22


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Posted Tue May 24, 2022 12:54 pm


I haven't had much time to devote to the :boing: Amiga :boing: since the beginning of the year.
Besides, when I have a little bit, I spend it on the development of New Bubble Story :ghost: (last video here) which will maybe be finished at the end of the year (who knows? :-) )

I don't forget our demo project for Amiga 1000.
So I spent a few hours to implement the illustration of the infinite bobs algo I talked about last time (so in 2021...)

I think that during the final editing of the demo, this scene will be improved but here is nevertheless an implementation of a hyper space tunnel.
I opened 8 screens of 2 bitplanes of 320x160 which consumes 100 kB of chip memory. As you may remember, the goal is that the demo runs on an A1000 with 256kb of chip (so the standard memory) and some fast. This extra fast is due to the fact that Amos consumes a small amount of chip memory and therefore 256kb of total memory would not be enough.

The hyperspace is composed of 180 luminous lines.
The z value of the points of each line vary and the points are projected on the 2d screen.
The trick is here: the luminous lines are displayed only by groups of ten at each vbl, until each line has swept its interval of displacement on z, then we pass to the next group.
The strokes are not erased because of the infinite bob algo explained in a previous post and this gives the illusion of multiple strokes.

You can make several launches because I draw the strokes randomly, so the rendering is variable.

A little chip music has been added. It is due to Format.

The adf is available here :
(293.02 KiB)
Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it.

For the next scene I would like to display a 32 colors image in low resolution to illustrate the quality of the Amiga's palette. Amiga demos had sometimes spectacular screen (in particular early 90's demos).
If you have some <3 nice drawings <3 that you would like to see in a demo, don't hesitate.

Aghnar / Agima

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Posted Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:18 pm


While waiting to perhaps assemble one day what has been presented in the previous messages, you can take a look at the last intro 64kb that we have just published :
This is intro was coded with the A500 (512K/512K) in mind.
You can download the adf

or see a video

See you,
Aghnar / Agima

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Posted Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:47 am


I've just published a new Amos code example in the repository on github : ... etrahedron.
Happy New Year

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Posted Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:14 am

Hi Alain, happy new year too ! And thank you for this example and all works you made in Amos.

Amiga rulez ;)

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Posted Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:08 am


I've just published a new Amos code example in the repository on github.

This time, it's about hardware sprites.
I use the game Bomb Jack as an example. The idea is not to do a new port but this game which I like has easily available assets that are perfect to use with Amiga sprites.

A short video example
And a little screen shot :

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Posted Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:12 pm


I've just published a new Amos code example. Everything is here : ... rogramming

This time, it's about Copper.
In a standard use of Amos, the language codes the Copper for us when screen or sprites are used. But it is possible to take control of the Copper to implement effects or to do thing that are not possible in a standard way. It is interesting because other capabilities of Amos are compatible with manual copper list like the double buffer or the use of blitter objets.

In any case here is a screen shot of what produces the new example :

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Posted Tue May 07, 2024 12:20 pm


Time to a new published Amos snippet : ... reJoystick

Amiga has been supported button 2 and button 3 for its both connected joystick.
The code is about the read of these 2 buttons in Amos.

No neat cube or scrolling but can be interesting for coder.

See u
Aghnar / Agima

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Posted Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:28 am


Here is a new example for Amos coders (and the others) : ... esCracktro

So a little crackto this time. It's in mid resolution (640x256).
With all that has been published in the repository, I think it's quite easy to code little intro or cracktro. But please let me know if this is the case or not.

A little video is available in the message in the repository.

It looks like this :

Aghnar / Agima

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